κιλό βοδινό συκώτι
κιλού κατατεμαχισμένα μανιτάρια
κούπας κατατεμαχισμένα φρέσκα κρεμμυδάκια
κούπας κρασί σταφίδας (το ανάλογο του ΜΕΤΑΧΑ)
κουταλιές σούπας γίδινο βούτυρο (1/4 κούπας)
κουταλιές του γλυκού μείγματος
Πλένονται, στεγνώνονται, κατατεμαχίζονται τα κομμάτια από το βοδινό συκώτι. Φρυγανίζονται σε ρηχό τηγάνι
(φρύγετρο) τα τεμαχισμένα κρεμμύδια και τα μανιτάρια επί περίπου 5 λεπτά σε
μέτρια φωτιά μαζί με το βούτυρο, έως ότου τα κρεμμύδια αποκτήσουν χρυσοκαστανό
χρώμα. Αφαιρούνται μανιτάρια και κρεμμύδια και προστίθεται το κατατεμαχισμένο
συκώτι και φρυγανίζεται και αυτό επί περίπου 5 λεπτά , έως ότου χαθεί εντελώς
το ερυθρωπό χρώμα στο εσωτερικό του. Τα υλικά τοποθετούνται όλα μαζί σε βαθύ σκεύος και προστίθενται το μείγμα του ΑΡΧΕΣΤΡΑΤΟΥ και το κρασί
σταφίδας . Το μείγμα αναδεύεται και εάν είναι πολύ πηκτό προστίθενται 1 ή 2 κουταλιές γίδινο βούτυρο. Τοποθετείται
σε ατομικά σκεύη (φορμάκια) και σερβίρεται αφού ψυχθεί σε θερμοκρασία
Συμβουλή : Ρίξτε το μείγμα στο τηγάνι στο τέλος με το συκώτι και τα μανιτάρια μετά σβήστε τα με το κρασί και συμπληρώστε με
το βούτυρο ανακατέψτε για λίγο και σερβίρετε.
Δοκιμάστε αυτό το αρχαίο μείγμα με αλάτι Μεσολογγίου , βότανα και μπαχαρικά, σε ψητό συκώτι μοσχαρίσιο ή βοδινό , αλλά και σε μπριζόλες, σε μαγειρευτά κρέατα κοτόπουλο κυνήγι και σαλάτες . Αφήστε τη φαντασία σας να δημιουργήσει αρχαίες ελληνικές συνταγές και ταξιδέψτε στις γεύσεις της Αρχαίας Ελλάδας . Θα σας συναρπάσει !
fillets in the pan GALEOS
Ingredients : 4 Fish fillets 120 gr . 4 teaspoons Mixture of spices and herbs Archestratus fish and more. 3 teaspoons Olive oil. 45ml Red wine vinegar.
Φιλέτα ψαριού Γαλέου
Μείγμα μπαχαρικών και βοτάνων ΑΡΧΕΣΤΡΑΤΟΥ για ψάρι και όχι μόνο.
Ξύδι από κόκκινο κρασί.
Για 4 μερίδες
4 Φιλέτα καρχαρία ή τόνου, βάρους 120 γραμ. το καθένα
3 κουταλιές (45ml) παρθένο ελαιόλαδο
4 κουταλιές μείγματος για ψάρι ΑΡΧΕΣΤΡΑΤΟΥ.
Για 4 μερίδες
4 Φιλέτα καρχαρία ή τόνου, βάρους 120 γραμ. το καθένα
3 κουταλιές (45ml) παρθένο ελαιόλαδο
4 κουταλιές μείγματος για ψάρι ΑΡΧΕΣΤΡΑΤΟΥ.
Αρχέστρατος 23
Αλείψτε τα φιλέτα του ψαριού με ελαιόλαδο. Βάλτε λίγο από το μείγμα σε κάθε πλευρά των φιλέτων και τηγανίστε τα σε λίγο ελαιόλαδο για 6 με 8 λεπτά από κάθε πλευρά, μέχρι να ροδίσουν. Σερβίρετε με πράσινη σαλάτα με μια κουταλιά ελαιόλαδο, μια κουταλιά ξίδι από κόκκινο κρασί και μικρή ποσότητα γάρου.
Ο ΑΡΧΕΣΤΡΑΤΟΣ αναφέρει :
Στην Τορώνη πρέπει να αγοράσεις φιλέτα καρχαρία. Πασπαλίζοντάς τα με κύμινο και λίγο αλάτι δεν χρειάζεται να προσθέσεις τίποτα άλλο, φίλε
μου, εκτός ίσως από λίγο ελαιόλαδο: όταν θα είναι έτοιμα θα σερβίρεις
ψιλοκομμένη σαλάτα γαρνιτούρα και μαζί τα φιλέτα. Καθώς
θα μαγειρεύεις όλα αυτά τα φιλέτα, ένα "πλήθος" για το τηγάνι σου,
μη ρίξεις μέσα νερό ή ξίδι, αλλά περίχυσέ τα μόνο με λάδι, ξηρό κύμινο
και αρωματικά χόρτα. Ψήστε τα πάνω στα κάρβουνα και όχι σε
δυνατή φωτιά και γύρνα συχνά προσέχοντας να μην καούν.
Ο Αρχέστρατος αναφέρει ότι το μείγμα προοριζόταν για ψάρι (τόνο , καρχαρία γαλέο )
Το δοκιμάσαμε όμως και σε άλλα ψάρια, το αποτέλεσμα είναι φανταστικό . Θα σας εντυπωσιάσει επίσης και σε ψητά ή μαγειρευτά κρέατα και πουλερικά.
Το δοκιμάσαμε όμως και σε άλλα ψάρια, το αποτέλεσμα είναι φανταστικό . Θα σας εντυπωσιάσει επίσης και σε ψητά ή μαγειρευτά κρέατα και πουλερικά.
*Γάρος: Ένα περίφημο σκεύασμα, σπάνιο άρτυμα και ακριβός μεζές, ήταν ο περίφημος γάρος ή γαρίτσι κατά την Βυζαντινή εποχή. Ο γάρος ή το γάρον ή λικουάμεν ή αβδώμιον, αποτελούσε την κατ' εξοχήν σάλτσα ή περίχυμα των Βυζαντινών. Ήταν γνωστό απο την ύστερη αρχαιότητα, χρησιμοποιείται ακόμη ευρύτερα κατά τους Βυζαντινούς χρόνους.
Πρόκειται για παρασκεύασμα με βάση τα εντόσθια των ψαριών ή και ολόκληρα μικρά ψάρια (αθερίνες, λεπτές τρίγλιες) ή και μεγάλα (σκουμπριά, σαβρίδια). Αφού τα τοποθετούσαν σε σκεύος με άφθονο αλάτι, και κατα περίπτωση και ρίγανη, τα σκέπαζαν και τα άφηναν στον ήλιο για δυό, τρείς μήνες, ανακατεύοντάς τα συχνά. Το παχύρευστο υγρό που πέρνανε μετά απο το σούρωμα ήταν ο γάρος που αραιωνόταν με νερό (υδρόγαρος) κρασί (οινόγαρος) ξύδι (οξύγαρος) και λάδι (ελαιόγαρος ή γαρέλαιον). Στα βυζαντινά χρόνια υπήρχε το γαράριον ή γαρερόν, δοχείο που περιείχε τον γάρο με τον οποίο περίχυναν τα διάφορα φαγητά »
Σημερινοί απόγονοι του γάρου είναι η γνωστή σάλτσα αντζούγιας της Σικελίας
Επίσης πιο κοντά στην παρασκευή, τα συστατικά κι επομένως στη γεύση του γάρου των αρχαίων, είναι οι σάλτσες νουόκ μαμ (nuok mam) από Βιετνάμ και ναμ πλα (Nam pla) από Ταϋλάνδη.
MASS (GET) with beef liver and mushrooms.
. ½ pound beef liver
. ¼ kilo comminuted mushrooms
. ¼ cup comminuted fresh onions
. ¼ cup red wine (analog METAXA)
· 4 tablespoons goat butter (1/4 cup)
· 1-2 teaspoons mixture Archestratus
Washed, dried, chopped pieces of beef liver. Toasted
in a shallow pan (frygetro) chopped onions and mushrooms for about 5
minutes at medium heat with the butter until the onions acquire golden
brown color. Removed
mushrooms and onions and comminuted liver added and toasted and this for
about 5 minutes until completely lost the reddish color in its
interior.The materials are placed together in deep powderevos added and the mixture of Archestratus and plum wine. The mixture was stirred and if too thick add 1 or 2 tablespoons butter goat.Placed in individual utensils (molds) and served after cooling to ambient temperature.
At the end pour the mixture into the pan with the liver and mushrooms
then delete them with wine and fill with butter and stir briefly
this ancient mixture Mesolonghi salt, herbs and spices to roast veal or
beef liver, and in steak, cooked in chicken meat hunting and salads. Let your imagination to create ancient Greek recipes and travel to the flavors of ancient Greece. Will fascinate you!
fillets in the pan GALEOS
4 Fish fillets
Mixture of spices and herbs Archestratus fish and more.
Olive oil
Red wine vinegar.
Implementation Archestratos put olive oil on the fillets of fish. Put
a little of the mixture on each side of the fillets and fry in olive
oil for 6-8 minutes on each side until they become golden brown in
color. Serve it with green salad with a tablespoon of olive oil, a
tablespoon of red wine vinegar and a small amount of garou.
The Archestratus says:
In Toroni you must buy shark fillets. Sprinkle them with the cumin and some salt, it does not need to add anything more except maybe some olive oil: when they are ready you will serve chopped salad for garnish and the fillets. As You will cook all these fillets, plenty for your pan, do not throw in water or vinegar, but only pour with oil, cumin dry and herbs. Roast them on coals and not high heat and turn them around frequently in order not to burn.
Archestratos states that the mixture was intended for fish (tuna, shark spotted dogfish). But we tested it on other fish, the result is fantastic. It will also impress you on roasted or cooked meats and poultry.
Τοποθετούμε τις καθαρισμένες γαρίδες σε ένα μπολ με τις 3 κουτάλιες ούζου και τις βάζουμε στο ψυγείο από 15 λεπτά μέχρι δύο ώρες.
Ζεσταίνουμε πολύ καλά το ελαιόλαδο σε ένα μεγάλο βαθύ τηγάνι , σοτάρουμε το κρεμμύδι μέχρι να μαραθεί και προσθέτουμε το μισό σκόρδο, συνεχίζουμε με την ντομάτα και σιγοβράζουμε. Προσθέτουμε το μείγμα θαλασσινών ANCIENT GREEK PRODUCTS. Μαγειρεύουμε για 15 λεπτά σε μέτρια θερμοκρασία μέχρι να εξατμιστεί το μεγαλύτερο μέρος του υγρού από τις ντομάτες.
Σε μια άλλη κατσαρόλα, ζεσταίνουμε το υπόλοιπο ελαιόλαδο, προσθέτουμε τις γαρίδες και συνεχίζουμε με το υπόλοιπο σκόρδο. Όταν οι γαρίδες γίνουν ροζ, προσθέτουμε τις υπόλοιπες 3 κουταλιές ούζο προσεκτικά, καθώς μπορεί να ανάψει το αλκοόλ . Προσθέτουμε τις γαρίδες και τους χυμούς τους στη σάλτσα ντομάτας και μαγειρεύουμε για λίγα λεπτά. Τελειώνουμε με το μαϊντανό και τη θρυμματισμένη φέτα.
Shrimp Saganaki with Ouzo and Feta Cheese
The Archestratus says:
In Toroni you must buy shark fillets. Sprinkle them with the cumin and some salt, it does not need to add anything more except maybe some olive oil: when they are ready you will serve chopped salad for garnish and the fillets. As You will cook all these fillets, plenty for your pan, do not throw in water or vinegar, but only pour with oil, cumin dry and herbs. Roast them on coals and not high heat and turn them around frequently in order not to burn.
Archestratos states that the mixture was intended for fish (tuna, shark spotted dogfish). But we tested it on other fish, the result is fantastic. It will also impress you on roasted or cooked meats and poultry.
Γαρίδες σαγανάκι με ούζο και φέτα
1 κιλό περίπου γαρίδες, ξεφλουδισμένες και χωρίς κεφάλια και ουρές
6 κ.σ. ελληνικό ούζο.
4 κ.σ. εξαιρετικό παρθένο ελαιόλαδο
1 μεγάλο κρεμμύδι ψιλοκομμένο
2 σκελίδες σκόρδο ψιλοκομμένο
2 φλιτζάνια τριμμένη φρέσκια ντομάτα
2 κ.γ. μείγμα θαλασσινών ANCIENT GREEK PRODUCTS
1 φλιτζάνι θρυμματισμένη ελληνική φέτα
2 κουταλιές σούπας ψιλοκομμένο μαϊντανό
Τοποθετούμε τις καθαρισμένες γαρίδες σε ένα μπολ με τις 3 κουτάλιες ούζου και τις βάζουμε στο ψυγείο από 15 λεπτά μέχρι δύο ώρες.
Ζεσταίνουμε πολύ καλά το ελαιόλαδο σε ένα μεγάλο βαθύ τηγάνι , σοτάρουμε το κρεμμύδι μέχρι να μαραθεί και προσθέτουμε το μισό σκόρδο, συνεχίζουμε με την ντομάτα και σιγοβράζουμε. Προσθέτουμε το μείγμα θαλασσινών ANCIENT GREEK PRODUCTS. Μαγειρεύουμε για 15 λεπτά σε μέτρια θερμοκρασία μέχρι να εξατμιστεί το μεγαλύτερο μέρος του υγρού από τις ντομάτες.
Σε μια άλλη κατσαρόλα, ζεσταίνουμε το υπόλοιπο ελαιόλαδο, προσθέτουμε τις γαρίδες και συνεχίζουμε με το υπόλοιπο σκόρδο. Όταν οι γαρίδες γίνουν ροζ, προσθέτουμε τις υπόλοιπες 3 κουταλιές ούζο προσεκτικά, καθώς μπορεί να ανάψει το αλκοόλ . Προσθέτουμε τις γαρίδες και τους χυμούς τους στη σάλτσα ντομάτας και μαγειρεύουμε για λίγα λεπτά. Τελειώνουμε με το μαϊντανό και τη θρυμματισμένη φέτα.
1 1/2 pounds shrimp, shelled and deveined, heads and tails on
6 tablespoons Greek ouzo.
4 tablespoons extra virgin Greek olive oil
1 large onion, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves
2 cups grated fresh tomato
2 teaspoons mix for seafood ANCIENT GREEK PRODUCTS
1 cup crumbled Greek feta
2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley
Place the cleaned shrimp in a mixing bowl with the three tablespoons of ouzo and chill for 15 minutes or up to two hours, until ready to use.
Heat the olive oil over medium heat in a large, deep frying pan. Sauté the onion until wilted. Stir in half the garlic. Add the tomato and bring to a simmer. Season with mix for seafood ANCIENT GREEK PRODUCTS . Cook for 15 minutes over medium-high heat, until most of the watery liquid from the tomatoes has evaporated.
In another skillet, heat the remaining olive oil over medium high heat and add the shrimp. Sear, toss with garlic, and when shrimp turn pink, spritz with remaining 3 tablespoons ouzo carefully as it may flame up a bit. Add shrimp and juices to tomato sauce and cook for a few minutes . Stir in the parsley and add crumbled feta.
1,5 κιλά κοτόπουλο έτοιμο για μαγείρεμα (κομμένο σε κομμάτια).
2 κουταλιές της Μείγμα (Φυσικό θαλασσινό αλάτι του Μεσολογγίου με μείγμα μπαχαρικών και βοτάνων) Πορτοκαλί ετικέτα
4 κουταλιές της σούπας παρθένο ελαιόλαδο
400 ml νερού
χυμός 3 μεσαίων λεμονιών
ξύσμα 1 λεμονιού
1 σκελίδα σκόρδο, θρυμματισμένη
μαύρο πιπέρι
Προθερμάνετε το φούρνο στους 180 ° C. Σε μια μέτρια φωτιά, ζεστάνετε το ελαιόλαδο σε ένα μεγάλο τηγάνι και στη συνέχεια τοποθετείτε τα κομμάτια κοτόπουλου και αφήνετε για 4-5 λεπτά μέχρι να ροδίσουν.
Τοποθετήστε το κοτόπουλο σε ένα ταψί . Στη συνέχεια, ανακατεύουμε το χυμό λεμονιού και το νερό με το τεμαχισμένο σκόρδο, το ξύσμα λεμονιού, το μαϊντανό πιπέρι και το ΑΡΧΑΙΟ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟ ΜΕΙΓΜΑ και το ρίχνουμε το κοτόπουλο.
Ψήστε το κοτόπουλο, που καλύπτεται με τη σάλτσα για 45-50 λεπτά μέχρι να γίνει τρυφερό, γυρνώντας το κάθε 15 λεπτά. Όταν μαγειρευτεί, τοποθετήστε το κοτόπουλο σε μια πιατέλα, ρίξτε τη σάλτσα πάνω του και σερβίρετε με ρύζι ή πατάτες και λαχανικά της επιλογής σας.
1,5 κιλά κοτόπουλο έτοιμο για μαγείρεμα (κομμένο σε κομμάτια).
2 κουταλιές της Μείγμα (Φυσικό θαλασσινό αλάτι του Μεσολογγίου με μείγμα μπαχαρικών και βοτάνων) Πορτοκαλί ετικέτα
4 κουταλιές της σούπας παρθένο ελαιόλαδο
400 ml νερού
χυμός 3 μεσαίων λεμονιών
ξύσμα 1 λεμονιού
1 σκελίδα σκόρδο, θρυμματισμένη
μαύρο πιπέρι
Προθερμάνετε το φούρνο στους 180 ° C. Σε μια μέτρια φωτιά, ζεστάνετε το ελαιόλαδο σε ένα μεγάλο τηγάνι και στη συνέχεια τοποθετείτε τα κομμάτια κοτόπουλου και αφήνετε για 4-5 λεπτά μέχρι να ροδίσουν.
Τοποθετήστε το κοτόπουλο σε ένα ταψί . Στη συνέχεια, ανακατεύουμε το χυμό λεμονιού και το νερό με το τεμαχισμένο σκόρδο, το ξύσμα λεμονιού, το μαϊντανό πιπέρι και το ΑΡΧΑΙΟ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟ ΜΕΙΓΜΑ και το ρίχνουμε το κοτόπουλο.
Ψήστε το κοτόπουλο, που καλύπτεται με τη σάλτσα για 45-50 λεπτά μέχρι να γίνει τρυφερό, γυρνώντας το κάθε 15 λεπτά. Όταν μαγειρευτεί, τοποθετήστε το κοτόπουλο σε μια πιατέλα, ρίξτε τη σάλτσα πάνω του και σερβίρετε με ρύζι ή πατάτες και λαχανικά της επιλογής σας.
1.5 kg chicken ready to cook (cut into pieces).
2 tablespoons of ANCIENT GREEK PRODUCTS MIX (Natural sea salt of Messolonghi with a mixture of spices and herbs) Orange label
4 tablespoons of greek virgin olive oil
400 ml water
juice of 3 medium lemons
zest of 1 lemon
1 garlic clove, crushed
ground black pepper
Preheat the oven to 180°C. Over a medium heat, warm the olive oil in a large, heavy based frying pan then place the chicken pieces in and leave for 4-5 minutes until they are golden brown.
Place the chicken in an oven proof dish. Then mix the lemon juice and water with the crushed garlic, lemon zest, ground black pepper and ANCIENT GREEK PRODUCTS MIX and pour over the chicken. Bake the chicken, covered in the sauce for 45-50 minutes until tender, basting every 15 minutes. When cooked, place the chicken on a warm platter, pour the sauce over it and serve with rice or potatoes and vegetables of your choice.
Ancient Greek products offer you herbs have been collected near ancient Greek areas.
The ancient Greek regions were rich in natural energy, so the herbs we collect from there have good energy beneficial to health.
In the small papyrus that you can find in the box you can write wishfully greet to your loved ones.
Oregano - RIGANH
Cooking With Greek Oregano
In Greek cooking, oregano is used in tomato sauces, with meats, fish, cheese, egg dishes, salads, and cheeses and with vegetables like tomatoes, zucchini, and green beans. Oregano is an essential ingredient of countless Mediterranean recipes.
The name "oregano" means "joy of the mountain" and has its origins in the ancient Greek " oros" (mountain) and "ganos" (joy).
According to Greek mythology, the sweet, spicy scent of oregano was created by the goddess Aphrodite as a symbol of happiness. In ancient Greece, couples were crowned with garlands of oregano at their wedding. Non-Culinary Uses
Oregano's power to heal has been known for centuries. It has powerful bacteria- and fungi-killing properties, and it is used as a painkiller and anti-inflammatory. Oregano tea is a treatment for indigestion, coughs, and to stimulate menstruation. 1.4oz - 40g.
Cooking With Greek Rosemary
Usage of rosemary dates back to 500 b.c. when it was used as a culinary and medicinal herb by the ancient Greeks and Romans. It is still a popular medicinal herb today.Rosemary is indeed a versatile, aromatic . It is used in a wide variety of dishes, including fruit salads, , , meats (especially lamb), , eggs, stuffings, , and even . It is also used to scent cosmetics and perfumes, in insect repellants, and has medicinal uses. You will find rosemary a delightful herb in both savory and sweet recipes. 1.4 oz - 40g.
Vasilikos, βασιλικός, pronounced vah-see-lee-KOHS (rhymes with “dose”) Basil may be used (in general) whenever a recipe contains tomatoes. It goes well with other vegetables, soups, salads, eggs, seafood, meat, and game. It is the main ingredient in pesto sauce.Hippocrates regarded basil as beneficial to the heart and prescribed it for treatment of constipation and as an anti-emetic (to prevent vomiting). Pliny suggested vinegar scented with basil would help prevent fainting. Dioscurides believed basil to be soothing for the stomach and abdomen, and useful as a diuretic and a galactagogue (e.g., an aid in lactation).In 330 A.D., the Holy Cross was found by Aghia Eleni (Saint Helen) in Palestine on a hill that was covered with basil bushes. For this reason, some Greeks do not cook with basil. It is grown and admired for the beauty of its shapes and colors, for its fragrance, and religious significance. Many Greeks bring basil plants as gifts to the church or to have their basil plants blessed by the priest, a blessing for the health and prosperity of their home.It wasn’t until recent years when Italian recipes gained popularity in Greece (i.e., pesto sauce) that basil was used regularly in cooking. 1.4 oz = 40g.
Greek Thyme
Thyme is a popular herb that is used in Greek cooking.Those Greek cooks who use thyme regularly say that it gives the dishes a special “touch” that can’t be achieved with any other herb. It’s most often used as a way to complement other herbs in the dish. Thyme has been used in Greece in both food and medicine since ancient times.Thyme is very similar in flavor to Greek oregano, except it’s a little milder. Thyme has been used in Greece since ancient times and it has a long history as a culinary herb. However, the Ancient Greeks also used it in unexpected ways. For instance, they were fond of using thyme leaves and flowers to perfume their bathwater. In their society, if someone were to smell like thyme, it meant that they were elegant, refined, and of the upper class. The Greeks also commonly burned thyme in sacred temples.
What Greek Recipes Use Thyme? Kakavia, Mussel Soup, Ladolemono.
1.4 oz - 40g.
Eucalyptus leaves
Eucalyptus tea is an herbal tea made from the leaves of the Australian eucalyptus ( Eucalyptus globulus ) tree. This hot tea is commonly used to treat symptoms of cold and flu and can be combined with other teas as a soothing tonic. Eucalyptus tea benefits have been studied by researchers with mixed results.
What Is Eucalyptus Tea?
There are different varieties of the eucalyptus tree but the one used for the preparation of eucalyptus tea and eucalyptus oil is commonly called the blue gum tree or the Australian fever tree. This fast-growing tree produces long, leathery grey-greenish leaves. The leaf glands contain a volatile oil (also called an essential oil) known as eucalyptus oil.
Eucalyptus tea should be made from crushed leaves of the tree, not from the oil that is extracted from the leaves. So the warm drink is sometimes called eucalyptus leaves tea , to avoid confusion.
The tea has a pale green color and a strong scent that some describe as woody or pine-like. Others describe the scent of eucalyptus as clean or fresh. Since many lip balms and skin creams are made with eucalyptus, the scent is familiar to many consumers.
How to Make Eucalyptus Tea
Eucalyptus tea bags or loose leaf tea can be purchased in many grocery stores, health markets, and online. Follow instructions for tea preparation provided on the box.
You can also prepare eucalyptus leaves tea at home. It is important that you prepare the tea with leaves and not with eucalyptus oil. Using the essential (volatile) oil may produce harmful side effects.
How to Prepare Eucalyptus Leaf Tea at Home
Use one dried eucalyptus leaf (about a teaspoon) to make your tea. Add the crushed tea leaf to the bottom of an eight-ounce teacup.
Heat water to 90-95 Celsius or 194-205 Fahrenheit. If you don't have a temperature-controlled teapot, bring water to a boil and then let sit for a minute to reduce the temperature just slightly.Pour six ounces of water over the tea leaves.
Let tea leaves steep for as long as desired, up to 10 minutes
Breathe in eucalyptus vapors while the tea is steeping
Strain loose leaves from the cup before drinking
Adding honey to your eucalyptus tea will add sweetness. If you are drinking the tea to soothe a sore throat, the honey may help to ease symptoms as well. You may also choose to blend eucalyptus leaf tea with peppermint or chamomile ( manzanilla ) to increase the soothing properties of the tea.
Health Benefits
Most scientific research focusing on the health benefits of eucalyptus is done using eucalyptus oil, rather than eucalyptus tea. The oil is much more concentrated than the tea so you are not likely to gain the same benefits from drinking the tea.
However, according to a study published in 2016, the leaves are known to contain flavonoids and tannins that provide both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Eucalyptus tea is commonly used as an inhalant to relieve symptoms of the common cold or flu. The tea vapors are often described as healing because inhaling them helps to open up congested airways. However, according to the American Lung Association, there isn't enough evidence to recommend the use of eucalyptus for cold.
In addition to treatment for the common cold, people use eucalyptus to gain a variety of other health benefits including:treatment of asthma
treatment for bronchitis
treatment for diabetes
to reduce dental plaque and bad breath
to eliminate head lice
to avoid insect bites
to get rid of headaches
to treat liver and gallbladder problems
The strong scent of eucalyptus is also used in the manufacturing of home products such as candles and potpourri because people enjoy the fragrance. Toothpaste, mouthwash, bath products, and body creams made with eucalyptus are also commonly found in home goods stores.
Side Effects
Eucalyptus leaf is probably safe when consumed in the small amounts found in foods. However, there isn't enough information to know if supplements that contain larger amounts of eucalyptus leaf are safe when taken by mouth. Eucalyptus tea is completely caffeine-free, although the vapors are sometimes described as bright and invigorating.
It is always safest to speak with your healthcare provider before using this or any other herbal treatment.
0.71oz - 20g
Olive leaves
For centuries before the arrival of modern medicine, therapies using natural herbs and plants were used because of their preventative and therapeutic powers. One of these concoctions was tea from olive leaves.
Now science has discovered the secrets of the beneficial health properties of the olive leaves. What are these benefits? Why are botanists so enthused about olive leaf tea?
The benefits of drinking olive leaf tea
Before thorough analyses came to light about the natural therapeutic chemical substances that are based on pharmaceutical plants, the only way to regulate their effectiveness was through trial and error. Tea from tea leaves was used for centuries as an effective therapy for illnesses such as the common cold and for more serious illnesses such as malaria and tropical fever, which the European explorers often came down with during their voyages. The therapeutic benefits of olive leaf tea for health issues were considered so important that they were often used as preventative medicine. Do scientific explanations exist that prove that?
Following this are some discoveries that researchers have recently made;
Olive leaves contain olevropein, a substance that acts as a natural pesticide and as an anti fungal product. Researchers in Europe have discovered that olevropein in the human organism has the capacity to increase blood circulation while simultaneously decreasing pressure in the arteries.
Helenoic acid , which is an antibacterial agent in alevropein has proven that it has antimicrobial agents as well according the research that took place at the pharmaceutical company Upjohn in the 1960’s. Although it doesn’t kill the virus it has been proven that it inhibits their development in the renal system (the common cold) and other viral infections
It is thought that tea from the leaf of the olive tree includes the highest levels of anti-oxidants of all known plants. Other than olevropein it includes high levels of hydrotyrosol resveratorol and tyrosol. In reality it includes ten times the levels of hydroxitirosol than green tea does. It is considered to be anti-inflamatory.
With these components and perhaps with others, leaves from the olive trees contribute to the previously addressed benefits to health.
It is believed that:
They lower cholestero
They boost your energy without caffeine.
They lower the glucose in your blood.
They strengthen your immune system
They boost your mood
They have anti-viral properties.
They have anti-fungal properties
They have anti bacterial properties
They have anti inflammatory properties
When tea from olive leaves is prepared correctly it is said that it has a great taste alone just as it is, or it can also be prepared together with a cool combination of various other herbs. Since there aren’t any known negative side effects, it continues to be a part of daily life in many parts of the Mediterranean where heart disease is very low; therefore this may be one more benefits of tea from the olive leaf.
Are beverages from olive tree leaves also recognized internationally from pharmaceutical companies in some countries?
In Germany for a few years now, they are being sold to people who feel sick, through pharmacies and department stores, as treatments for patients with heart problems, diabetes, and fatigue.
In the USA, Japan and Hungary, they have been become part of the national pharmaceutical system and they are prescribed as therapy.
In Australia one million dollars a month are spent on supplements from olive leaves.
The department responsible for such affairs in the EU has officially introduced methods for the production of certain formulas made from olive leaves. The prescription for the production of beverages has been approved by the European organization of pharmaceuticals in 2009. On 22 November 2013, the use of olive leaf extracts was patented as a light diuretic in cases where there was fluid retention, and generally for the correct regulation of the kidneys.
Omar SH. Oleuropein in olive and its pharmacological effects. Sci Pharm. 2010;78(2):133-54
Wahle KW, Caruso D, Ochoa JJ, Quiles JL. Olive oil and modulation of cell signaling in disease prevention. Lipids.2004 Dec;39(12):1223-31.
Somova LI, Shode FO, Ramnanan P, Nadar A. Antihypertensive, antiatherosclerotic and antioxidant activity of triterpenoids isolated from Olea europaea, subspecies africana leaves. J Ethnopharmacol.2003 Feb;84(2-3):299-305.
Scheffler A, Rauwald HW, Kampa B, Mann U, Mohr FW, Dhein S. Olea europaea leaf extract exerts L-type Ca(2+) channel antagonistic effects. J Ethnopharmacol.2008 Nov 20;120(2):233-40.
0.71oz - 20g.
Mint Leaves
Health Benefits of Mint Leaves
Mint is a leafy plant that's perhaps best known for its association with fresh breath due to the cool sensation it creates in the mouth. Toothpaste, mouthwash, breath mints, and chewing gum are all commonly flavored with mint.
In addition to freshening breath, mint is also used to add flavor to foods and drinks. Mint is known for adding a fresh flavor to mint chocolate chip ice cream, mojito cocktails, and lamb dishes.
There are many varieties of the mint plant, and most fall under the genus Mentha. Because mint plants spread quickly, gardeners tend to grow them in containers. When planted directly into the ground, they can become invasive and take over a garden.
Mint grows natively on all continents except Antarctica. Peppermint and spearmint are likely the most commonly used mint varieties, but many others exist, such as wild mint and water mint.
Some plants referred to as "mint" also fall under the genus Monarda. Both Mentha and Monarda genuses are within the same family, called Lamiaceae. Monarda mints include horsemint, catmint, and stonemint.
All varieties of mint leaves may be used fresh, in dried herb form, brewed as a tea, or concentrated in an essential oil.
Health Benefits
Mint has been used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments for many years. Unfortunately, there aren't many human studies documenting the impact mint has on the body apart from digestion support and irritable bowel syndrome relief. With time, research could confirm that mint is useful in treating a wider variety of illnesses.
Brain Health
Consuming mint might promote brain health. One study found mint extracts have potential to treat Alzheimer's symptoms, although more research is needed. Another study found that smelling peppermint could enhance memory and increase alertness, although it's unknown if ingesting it has similar effects.
Digestive Health
When it comes to medicinal uses, mint is perhaps most popularly known as a remedy for digestive problems. Taking peppermint oil reduces abdominal pain and helps treat irritable bowel syndrome without producing side effects.
Animal and in vitro studies suggest that mint leaves could have wider medicinal applications than those currently known. These types of studies have found that mint is able to kill bacteria, reduce stress, and fight cancerous tumor cells. Human trials will be required to determine if mint also has these effects on the human body.
1.1oz - 30g
Bay Leaf
A popular herb for cooking.
Health Benefits
Bay leaves add flavor to popular dishes like soups, stews, and other savory dishes.
The main benefit of bay leaves is that they can enhance the taste of your meals without adding sodium.
It is also believed that bay leaves may provide other health benefits. Some consumers prepare tea with bay leaves, add bay leaves to their baths, or crush bay leaves into a skin cream. Bay leaves have also been used by some to treat cancer, gas, dandruff, and joint pain or boils (for which bay leaves have been used topically on the skin).
However, there is not enough scientific evidence to support the use of bay leaf for these benefits.
There is limited evidence to suggest that bay leaf benefits people with type 2 diabetes, also known as diabetes mellitus.
Nutrition Facts
A single bay leaf used in cooking is not likely to change the nutritional value of the dish being prepared. Typically, the leaf is removed from the dish before you eat it. Even if the leaf is left in the soup, casserole, or any other dish, it doesn't provide significant micronutrients or macronutrients.
If crumbled bay leaves are consumed in a dish, you may gain a few nutritional benefits. A 1-tablespoon serving provides about five calories, primarily in the form of carbohydrates.4 Micronutrients in bay leaves include vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6, manganese, iron, and calcium.
Selection, Preparation, & Storage
You'll find whole bay leaves in the spice section of most grocery stores all year long. Dried, crumbled, or ground bay leaves may also be available. However, many cooks feel that ground bay leaves are too strong and prefer to use (and then discard) a whole leaf when cooking.
Fresh bay leaves may also be found in the produce section of some markets. However, fresh bay leaves don't last long, so they are not as common as dried.
Many people store bay leaves in their spice cabinet. However, some say that freezing bay leaves is the preferred way of storing this herb. Many chefs recommend storing bay leaves in the freezer because the leaves retain more flavor when frozen than they do when stored in a cool, dry space.
Possible Side Effects
Bay leaves should not be consumed whole. The leaf remains intact and cannot be digested. It may become lodged in the throat or cause damage to the intestinal tract.
Bay leaf and ground bay leaf are likely safe when consumed in amounts typically found in food. It is also possibly safe when taken medicinally for short periods of time. However, there is not enough scientific evidence to know the effects of bay leaves if higher doses are consumed or if it is used long-term.
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0.71oz - 20g.